(+1)587-968-0716 Calgary Alberta, Canada
Wheels of Hope Transforming Lives
Wheels of Hope
Empowering Lives through Canadian Wheelchair Society
Transforming Lives
One Wheelchair at a Time

Our Story

The Canadian Wheelchair Society has embarked on a journey to change lives through the gift of mobility. Our story began with a vision to bridge the gap for those who could not afford or access wheelchairs. Today, we’ve grown into a global effort, supported by generous donors and dedicated volunteers.”


Our Approach

“We work with local and international partners to identify individuals and communities in need, ensuring each wheelchair finds its way to someone who needs it.”

Wheelchairs Donated
Countries Reached
0 +
Lives Transformed
Happy Donators

Our Testimonials

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Be a Volunteer

Join our community of volunteers making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals

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